Exciting sport during Maimarkt tournament at first glance
Two weekends of pure equestrian sports – show jumping, dressage of its best side and a good part of entertainment- this is the approved basic of the Maimarkt Horse Show. Like every year Maimarkt competition attracts the international show jumpers as well as dressage equestrians elite to show their performances in the MVV Equestrian Arena.
Saturday, 29.April 2017
This years “Mannheimer Pferdewoche” starts with the international Dressage show U25 which takes places on ring one. Subsequently you have the possibility to follow up the dynamic Polo games in our MVV riding stadium.
In parallel to the above mentioned competitions, the international dressage show of our young pony riders takes place on tournament place 2.
Sunday, 30.April 2017
The day starts with the Dressage show U25 which takes places on ring one.
In parallel to these competition, the pony riders will start in ring two.
On Sunday afternoon you have the possibility to follow up the dynamic Polo games in our MVV riding stadium.
Monday, 01.May 2017
On Monday we will start with the „Grand Prix Kür“ of the U25 rider on ring 1.
After that, you can see our smallest rider with their horses.
In the afternoon you can let yourself fascinated from the breath taking pace of Arena Polo. This dynamic team sport will bring a “Formular 1-Feeling” into MVV riding stadium.
Friday, 05.May 2017
The second weekend starts starts with the international Grand Prix Dressage show Cl.S*** of Family Grimminger which takes places on ring one.
At midday are competitions of amateur equestrians as well as competitions of Germany U25 cup for jumping.